Brandon Topham Independent Non-Executive Director: Brandon is a qualified Chartered Accountant and an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa. He holds BCompt (Hons), BProc and LLM degrees and is a member of the Institute of Directors in South Africa. He is also an Associate Member of both the Institute of Chartered Management Accountants UK as well as England & Wales (non-practising). He is also an admitted Solicitor in England and Wales and a Certified Fraud Examiner (USA).

He has served as a director of many companies and still serves on the boards of Telemasters Holdings Limited and Seesa (Pty) Limited. As a forensic accountant he has acted as an Inspector for the Financial Services Board and has also worked with other regulators and government departments.

He serves as Chairman of the Ecsponent Audit and Risk Committees – The ridiculousness of the whole situation is that Brandon was the Chairman of Audit and Risk Committees, he sold preference shares as no risk products. He is a forensic accountant and yet he could not see the eminent collapse of an over stressed company drowning in debt?

The Financial Sector Conduct Authority FSCA has debarred Mr Floris Slabbert and Mr Anton Hay, the key individuals of Ecsponent Financial Services (Pty) Ltd (Ecsponent FS), for a period of two years. This enforcement action follows the withdrawal of Ecsponent FS’s license (FSP number 32968) for breaching several financial sector laws. It is the view of the FSCA that Slabbert and Hay contributed significantly to the breaches.

After years of your dedication to the orchestration of the Ponzi Pump and Dump, many hours spent on television adverts and talks, Moneyweb financial talks all under the disguise of your “knowledge”, there is just no honour amongst thieves. Brandon Topham sold preference Shares to unsuspecting investors. When the collapse was evident, he jumped ship, Brandon should be ashamed of himself as one of the main roll players he should face the same consequences, his alliance with the FSCA must be seen as a conflict in interest.

Your co worker and major counterpart Mr Brandon Topham, bailed on you and formed an instrumental part in the investigation, dropping you like last summer’s fling.