The question of paramount importance is: Do directors make mistakes or do they make choices and decisions?

Eunè Engelbrecht,, Terence Gregory, Keith Rayner, Brandon Topham , Dirk van der Merwe, Henk van der Merwe, Anton Hay, Henry John Ansara , Edwin Peter Whittle, Jacobus Peppler ,Tertius De Kock and George Manyere, you were appointed to safeguard Pensioners Hard-Earned cash, yet you chose to destroy lives.

We verily believe that all the directors were involved within the company listed, used this company as a major shareholder to escape or avoid any blame to their actions.

SERISO 776 “Seriso 776” acquired as a shelf company on the 12th of August 2009, (Registration Number 2009/015563/06),

ESCALATOR CAPITAL (RF) “Escalator “Escalator Capital (RF) Limited (Registration Number 2009/015 563/), previously registered as SERISO 776 on the 12th of August 2009, name change on the 08th of September 2009, partial underwriters of the Rights Offer of in the amount of R100 million. Escalator is controlled by Escalator Mauritius, which is in turn controlled by the Holdem Legacy Trust; Secures on the 26/09/2015 an operational licence to conduct business in Zambia through Ecsponent Financial Services Limited (FSB Licence 32968)

Escalator Capital (RF) is recorded as a Major Shareholder of Ecsponent Limited, has a loan with Escalator to the value of R100million which is paid up by December 2014

In November 2013 we notified shareholders that the Group had resolved to proceed with a R100 million rights offer at a subscription price of 14 cents per share = 714 285 715. As a result Ecsponent Capital (RF) held 66.1% of the issued share capital of Ecsponent immediately after the rights offer. Ecsponent provided shareholders with an opportunity to participate in a partially underwritten rights offer during September 2014. The rights offer at R0.14 per share raised R63m and resulted in the issue of 454 456 371 ordinary shares. The capital raising exercise further strengthened the company’s balance sheet. The liability created by the funding provided to Ecsponent from the major shareholder was fully extinguished by year end December 2014.*** Escalator (RF) acquires R100m worth of shares to the value of 14 cent per share – then does he sell it back or was it converted back to Escalator… to Ecsponent to extinguish the debt?? Confusion from 100m to 63 million or did Capital acquire a further 454 456 371 shares*** Balance Sheet 2014

ECSPONENT CAPITAL (RF)” Ecsponent Capital (RF) Limited, Registered on the 25th April 2014, formerly Escalator Capital (RF) Limited (registration number 2009/015563/06), a public company. Escalator Capital (Rf) is controlled by Escalator Mauritius; They have a subsidiary of PURPLE ORCHID LIMITED: Purple Orchid Limited (registration number 158758 C2/GBL), a private company with limited liability, duly registered and incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Mauritius, wholly owned by Ecsponent Capital (RF)and the current holding company of Pink Orchid; MYBUCKS 2019 Income statement, they change name to Purple Orchid Holdings Proprietary Limited or for this transaction did they revert back to a previous name? 

ECSPONENT CAPITAL (RF) LIMITED, (registration number 2009/015563/06), registered on the 05th December 2017, previously Bluthorn (RF) Limited) a public company duly registered and incorporated under the laws of South Africa, wholly-owned by the Bro Business Trust - Bluthorn (RF) Operated under the Ecsponent Financial Services Licence (32968) in Zambia – Opening Bluthorn Holdings.

Lenki Jeffrey Ratsaka was only a director of V.S.S (Registration No. 2012/009 531) He was never a director or owner of Registration No. 2009/015 563)

ECSPONENT CAPITAL (RF) LIMITED Escalator Capital (RF) Limited (Registration Number 2009/015563/06), a public company duly registered and incorporated in South Africa, Escalator is controlled by Escalator Mauritius, which is in turn controlled by the Holdom Legacy Trust; Secures on the 26/09/2015 an operational licence to conduct business in Zambia, Swaziland, Botswana through Ecsponent Financial Services Limited (FSB Licence 32968)

SENS document 29th June 2018: Ecsponent Treasury Services Proprietary Limited (registration number 2015/430 938) a wholly owned subsidiary of Ecsponent Limited, has entered into an acquisition agreement to subscribe for 100% of the issued ordinary shares of Pink Orchid Limited (“Pink Orchid”), an investment holding company yet to be incorporated, from Purple Orchid Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of Ecsponent Capital (RF) Limited a related party, for a total consideration of R280 million. See the Mybucks Balance Sheet

24th December 2018 Pink Orchid Limited (registration number 159597), a private company with limited liability duly registered and incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Mauritius and which is currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of Purple Orchid, to be acquired by Ecsponent Treasury Services - R185 Million Transaction that has major conflicting Information Ecsponent Capital (RF) is a South African Company – how did this become a Mauritian Based Company?

SENS document 23rd January 2019 Background to the Pink Orchid Acquisition On 29 June 2018, Ecsponent announced the proposed acquisition of 100% equity in Pink Orchid, a Botswana- based investment holding company, holding various assets with profitable opportunities to extend its African and foreign currency investment portfolio (the "Pink Orchid Acquisition"). Pink Orchid is being acquired for a total consideration of R185 million. A portion of the GetBucks shares acquired by Pink Orchid have been purchased from MHMK Capital, Rockcastle and the Zahra Investment Trust, which are a Related Parties by virtue of their relationships with G Manyere. Once again totally conflicting information concerning a R185 million transaction

BLUTHORN (RF) “Bluthorn (RF) Limited (registration number 2009/015563/06), formerly Ecsponent Capital (RF), previously Escalator (RF), previously Seriso 776, registered name change on the 30th of March 2017:– they incorporate a new subsidiary in Bluthorn (RF) “BLUTHORN HOLDINGS” *** Never mentioned once on the SENS documents, first time the company number 2009/015563 ever on the Balance Sheet in 2018 as Ecsponent Enterprise Development***

Ecsponent Enterprise Development is not registered under this number as per the CIPC


Ecsponent Financial Services (Pty) Ltd is registered with the regulator as a licensed service provider. Under (licence Number 32 968) Ecsponent Financial Services (Pty) Ltd provides intermediary services between Escalator Capital (RF) Limited (Registration Number 2009/015563/06), as the placement agent and the general public. Eune Engelbrecht owns Escalator Capital (RF) WHO – opens various “BLUTHORN” operations, under the umbrella and licence number of Ecsponent Financial Services (Pty) Ltd who is wholly owned Subsidiary of Ecsponent Limited…Escalator Capital (RF) supplies the funds to Ecsponent Limited to acquire FS..

ESCPONENT CAPITAL “Ecsponent Capital without the (RF) (registration number 2009/015 563), registered on the 15th of December 2017 previously “Bluthorn (RF), previously Ecsponent Capital (RF), previously Escalator Capital (RF) – they loan Ecsponent Limited R100 Million on the 10/01/2014, previously a Shelf Company Seriso 776, registered on the 12th August 2009.

PURPLE ORCHID HOLDINGS “Purple Orchid Holdings (registration number 2009/015563/06) registered on the 12th November 2019, previously Ecsponent Capital without the (RF) Never mentioned in a single SENS document. Never mentioned on one single Balance Sheet-THEY CHANGE NAMES AS PER THE Mybucks Balance sheet of 2019 to Purple Orchid, the confusion here is that the company’s name is Basira? 

BASIRA CAPITAL: Basira Capital registration number 2009/015563/06) formerly Purple Orchid Holdings, formerly Ecsponent Capital, formerly Bluethorn (RF), formerly Ecsponent Capital with (RF), formerly Escalator Capital with (RF)started off as a Shelf Company Seriso 776 on the 12th of August 2009, BDO is registered Liquidators of Basira Capital, who due to investigations resigns. A portion of Preference Shares are held from Ecsponent Limited in Basira Capital as per

Investor Recording: “Hello daar, man ek weet nie hoe om vir jou te verduidelik hoe ek by Basira gekom het nie. Al wat ek vir jou kan se as jy jou Ecsponent se of Afristrat se aandele gekry het, die shares en dit is gelyk aan die geld wat jy bele het is dit alright… want toe ek my aandele kry toe tel ek dit op toe kort ek heelwat geld en toe is ek heen en weer heen en week toe is dit twee van my beleggings wat by Basira gebele is. En toe is ek heen en weer en op en af en na ‘n virskriklikke gesukkel het ek toe uitgekom by Basira en toe vra ek vir die Agent maar hoe het my geld by Basira beland as ek by Ecsponent bele het, daai tyd was dit nog Ecsponent, toe se hy, hy weet nou ook nie, en daar het dit gebly le het, een van die goed het uitbetal en voor die tweede een uitbetaal is hulle nou insolvent or wat nou ookal dit is.” Never gets mentioned in a single SENS document. Never mentioned on one single Balance Sheet.

This is the same Eunè Engelbrecht that George Manyere bought his shares from in Ecsponent Limited, the same director from which Ecsponent bought and acquired companies and entities from. The same Eunè Engelbrecht affiliated with the R250 Million Scandal in Eswatini.

We have further established that Escalator Capital had a preference share program, listed through Ecsponent as far back as 2012. Could this be the Company that the FSCA was investigating?